Optical Microscope (OPT-MIC)
The optical microscope offers very high-quality imaging with the following specs:
- Field of view: 0.8 x 0.6 mm
- Working distance: 28 mm
- Coaxial adjustable illumination
- USB3 camera 1/3”
- Manual focus over +/- 12.5 mm
- Cables and power supply
- Mount compatible with ASA frame
- Upgraded AMICS software functionalities to ease tip to sample alignment process;
- Image grabbing software included
OPT-MIC is not vacuum compatible so can only be used for ex-situ applications (e.g., Bio-indenter)

Integrated Microscope (IMI)
The Integrated Microscope is attached to the indentation head and allows easy tip to sample alignment when the system is not operating in a SEM:
- Field of view: 1.6 x 1.2 mm
- Working distance: 17 mm (motorized focusing)
- Coaxial illumination
- USB2 camera 1600×1200 pixels
- Upgraded AMICS software functionalities to ease tip to sample alignment process;
- Image grabbing software included
- Tip-sample repositioning typically < 5 µm
IMI is not vacuum compatible so can only be used for ex-situ applications (e.g., Synchrotron Beamline, Bioindenter, Enclosure, etc)
NOTE: The IMI is a compact solution optimized for aiding tip-sample location. For high quality imaging, the OPT-MIC is recommended.