Customizable software for controlling the ASA: XYZ micro-positioning, experimental setup, test execution and results storage (TDMS binary file). Full control of load, displacement, as well as predefined strain rate profiles. User can select relevant test parameters for indentation, compression, tension or other experiments.

Optional remote control (via ethernet bus) for full integration of the ASA in other instruments (e.g., synchrotron, nuclear hot cell, etc.)


Alemnis Materials Mechanics Data Analyzer (AMMDA) allows the user to make data corrections as well as data analysis on acquired datasets from AMICS software. Indentation, micropillar compression or other test datasets can be analyzed to extract relevant parameters such as hardness, elastic modulus, stress/strain, indentation energies, elastic and plastic work, yield strength, loading modulus, creep, etc. User can select the indenter type (flat punch, Berkovich, cube corner, etc.) for corresponding data analysis.


The Video-Data-MERGER (VDM) Software is an advanced solution designed to seamlessly synchronize videos with mechanical data for in-depth analysis. Compatible with .avi video formats and .tdms mechanical data, VDM supports both manual and automatic synchronization, providing flexibility and precision. The software also includes SEM video capture capabilities for live video outputs, making it ideal for high-resolution imaging. Fully customizable, VDM allows users to adjust units, scales, axes, playback speed, time stamps, and real-time animated cursors, offering a versatile platform for comprehensive data visualization and analysis.


The AMMDA-3D Software is a powerful tool designed for advanced 2D and 3D analysis of mapped data, enabling detailed insights into material properties. It supports easy import of AMMDA data and offers the ability to create 2D and 3D maps of various calculated properties, such as hardness, elastic modulus, stiffness, and more. The software features advanced interpolation tools to handle missing data, as well as customizable options for map visualization, including axis manipulation and output in bitmap format. With capabilities for advanced image processing, histogram analysis with multipeak fitting, Gaussian mixture model analysis, and cluster analysis, AMMDA-3D provides comprehensive tools for visualizing and analyzing complex data. Additional features include surface topography maps, user-defined attribution of analysis parameters, and mapping of yield stress and strain, making it an essential tool for in-depth material characterization.


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