On 18th Dec 2019, Physical Electronics GmbH- Feldkirchen, held the last Seminar of the year 2019 dedicated to Nanoindentation, extended micro & nanomechanical testing. The speaker Tobias Schütz, presented the special features of the In situ Nanoindenter from Alemnis. The participants learned about the unique possibilities and advantages of nanoindentation in a SEM. Which properties can be measured with the unique Alemnis Indenter and which different test methods are possible?

In the afternoon was a special “Schmankerl”, the live broadcast to Alemnis in Thun, Switzerland. Dr. Jean-Marc Breguet (CEO) , Damian Frey (R&D Manager) and Dr. Rajaprakash Ramachandramoorthy (EMPA) showed different pillar measurements in a live demo. All participants could see the compact, robust, versatile Nanoindenter live. The last talk, also with a live broadcast to Thun concluded the NanoX- Perience seminar with the focus Applications.

The Alemnis system has been used for thousands of studies in the materials science domain, covering all classes of materials (metals, polymers, ceramics, composites) and many different test methods (micropillar compression, tensile testing, indentation, beam bending, mapping, fracture toughness, fatigue and shock, impact, creep, stress relaxation, scratch testing, tribology, etc..).

Physical Electronics GmbH thanks again all participants and our partner Alemnis and is looking forward to welcoming you soon.

The next NanoX-Perience will take place April, 2020. The next NanoX-Pert will take place on April 22, 2020.