High strain rate testing of materials remains largely unexplored due to the limitations in conventional nanoindentation instrument design where the resonance frequency of the system is commonly too low to allow for high strain rate experiments. Although the nanoindentation technique has evolved in recent years, most tests are still typically performed in the quasi-static regime, meaning at strain rates in the range of 10-5 to 10-2 s-1. However, high strain rates above 10-2 s-1 have remained unexplored.

Strain rate (s-1) is the inverse value of the time it takes to perform the mechanical loading. As a result, experiments take as little as 0.1 ms at maximum strain rates. The Alemnis High Strain Rate modules enable experiments across 9 orders of magnitudes!
Performing high strain rates testing of materials to understand their behavior is of great interest, both in industrial applications and in fundamental research. Some industrial examples include the impact resistance of ballistic armor, survival of components/devices when dropped, crash testing, metalworking operations, etc. From a scientific viewpoint, being able to test materials over a wide range of strain rate including high strain rate testing allows the deformation mechanisms to be probed and understood, particularly with regard to determination of activation volumes.
Nine orders of magnitudes of strain rates for indentation, tensile- and compression testing makes Alemnis the world’s fastest micro mechanical testing system, enabling unprecedented extreme experiments.
Alemnis provides the only high strain rate system that offers:
- Constant and controlled strain rates
- Continuous testing from quasi-static to high strain rates
- Read-out frequency of 1 MHz for displacement and load.
- Direct data analysis without complicated modeling or system assumptions

Nanoindentation on fused silica across 8 orders of magnitudes of strain rates confirms small but measurable hardening effect, consistent with literature [1]. At strain rates above 100 s-1, hardness is calculated using the contact stiffness obtained at quasi-static conditions. This widely accepted method circumvents the issue of missing unloading curves at extreme strain rates.

High strain rate compression of additively manufactured copper micropillars. [10]

High strain rate compression of fused silica micropillars. [19]

High strain rate compression of micropillars of bulk metallic glass. [13]
More Application Examples

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APPLICATION NOTE: Designing micropillar strain rate jump tests to study time dependent plasticity
Selected References
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