The Alemnis Standard Assembly (ASA) can be used as a standalone micromechanical testing system on any sturdy laboratory bench. For such ex-situ operation, it is recommended to place the ASA in a dedicated enclosure (see Standard Enclosure) and place the enclosure on an anti-vibration table to minimize noise.

Example of ASA in standalone vertical setup with Integrated Microscope (IMI) and Standard Enclosure (ENC)

Mounted on the ASA frame inside a Standard Enclosure, the optical microscope (OPT-MIC) offers high-quality imaging and facilitates easy tip-to-sample alignment when the system is not in SEM mode.
The ASA can also be mounted under an optical microscope giving a lateral view for experiments in ambient conditions. This configuration is typically used for materials that cannot be tested in the SEM. Many users combine the ASA with an optical microscope which has a long working distance objective in order to facilitate indenter-sample alignment and post-mortem analysis. This also allows a wider range of mounting angles to be used.

Examples of an ASA mounted under an optical microscope with a long working distance objective